Friday, June 26, 2015

Pope Francis in Paraguay-Courtesy Visit to the President and meeting wit...

★2015 The Year of Solar Energy! It's Cheap, Simple And Fun☺ Warming First Aid Kit!

Pope Francis in Paraguay-Holy Mass at the Marian Shrine of Caacupé

★2015 The Year of Solar Energy! It's Cheap, Simple And Fun☺ Warming First Aid Kit!

Pope Francis in Paraguay- Meeting with Representatives of Civil Society

★2015 The Year of Solar Energy! It's Cheap, Simple And Fun☺ Warming First Aid Kit!

Pope Francis in Paraguay-Celebration of Vespers

★2015 The Year of Solar Energy! It's Cheap, Simple And Fun☺ Warming First Aid Kit!

Pope Francis in Paraguay-Visit to the People of Bañado Norte

★2015 The Year of Solar Energy! It's Cheap, Simple And Fun☺ Warming First Aid Kit!

Pope Francis in Paraguay-Holy Mass in the large field of Ñu Guazú and A...

★2015 The Year of Solar Energy! It's Cheap, Simple And Fun☺ Warming First Aid Kit!

Pope Francis in Paraguay-Meeting with Youth

★2015 The Year of Solar Energy! It's Cheap, Simple And Fun☺ Warming First Aid Kit!

Friday, June 12, 2015