Saturday, January 28, 2017

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

2017.01.22 Angelus Domini

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Die-hard British atheist reveals shocking discovery of God in new book

2017.01.21 Holy Mass for the 8th Centenary of the Dominican Order

The Mother Teresa of Africa: Sr. Rosemary Nyirumbe

The Bible App™ offers options during week of Prayer for Christian Unity

2017.01.24 Presentation of the Pope’s Message for World Communications Day

Pope says “unforgivable sin” is blasphemy because sinners are closed to ...

Pope to Dominicans: Thanks for helping the world get out of superficiality

Angelus: Pope Francis remembers victims of the avalanche at Hotel Rigopiano

2017.01.23 Presentation of the New Website of Vatican Museums

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Pope's Agenda: Ending the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

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