Sunday, May 28, 2017

2017.05.27 Pope Francis in Genoa - Eucharistic Concelebration

How the Church and medicine unite to bring healing

2017.05.27 Pope Francis in Genoa - Meeting with the children of the Gasl...

2017.05.27 Pope Francis in Genoa - Meeting with youth of the Diocesan Mi...

2017.05.27 Pope Francis in Genoa - Meeting with the Church of the Liguri...

2017.05.27 Pope Francis in Genoa - Meeting with the World of Labour

Pope to participate in Charismatic Renewal meeting in Circus Maximus

South Korea asks Pope Francis to intervene for dialogue with North

Pope at Santa Marta: Proposes a “map” for Christian life

Pope appoints young bishop who gave his retreat as vicar of Rome

Veritas: Five men, with five different backgrounds, form unexpected band