Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Pope: Be happy in hoping, don't only hope to be happy

Pope in General Audience: Hope as offered by the Holy Spirit

2017.05.31 General Audience

Pope at Santa Marta: Pastors must not be the center of the Church but mu...

Radio Maria is now in Arabic, the radio for persecuted Christians

Pope Francis eats lunch with 130 people in need in Genoa

Justin Trudeau asks pope for public apology to Canada's indigenous commu...

Pope to priests and nuns: Don't aim for a static and organized life

Pope to youth: Ask God to challenge you

Pope visits factory in Genoa: Be afraid of speculators, not entrepreneurs

Pope at Santa Marta: Let yourself be shaken by the Holy Spirit

Pope Francis in Genoa: Leave gossip and dedicate ourselves to the mission

Pope at Regina Coeli: Calls for the conversion of terrorists after recen...

Pope's weekly schedule: Justin Trudeau's visit and the anniversary of th...