Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Papa Francesco in Estonia

Pope in Tallin: “You did not gain your freedom in order to end up as sla...

Pope Francis - Tallinn -Farewell Ceremony

Pope Francis - Tallinn – Holy Mass 25092018

Pope Francis met with single mothers and alcoholics in Estonia

Pope Francis - Tallinn - Meeting with those assisted by the Charitable W...

Pope to Estonian youth: you are angry about sexual scandals that aren't ...

Pope Francis warns in Estonia: “the good life” is not synonymous with li...

Pope Francis - Tallinn – Ecumenical Meeting with Young People 25092018

Pope Francis - Tallinn – Meeting with Authorities 25092018

Pope Francis -Tallin – Welcome Ceremony 25092018

Pope Francis -Tallin -Official welcome 2018_09_25

Papa Francesco in Lettonia

Pope during Mass in Latvia: If we seek vengeance, we aren't Christians, ...

Pope Francis - Aglona –Farewell Ceremony

Pope Francis - Aglona - Holy Mass 24092018